How GESGEMO is Empowering Youth to Overcome Obstacles

Fear can be one of the biggest obstacles to success for young people. It can hold them back from pursuing their dreams and achieving their goals. That's where GESGEMO comes in. As an organization dedicated to helping youth realize their potentials, conquering their fears, and inspiring them to reach their dreams, GESGEMO is playing a

By |2024-04-25T03:09:49+03:00May 6th, 2023|Latest Article|

The Importance of Mentorship for Young Entrepreneurs

Mentorship is a powerful personal and professional growth tool, especially for young entrepreneurs. At Get Started Get Moving Organization (GESGEMO), we understand the importance of mentorship in empowering our youths to realize their full potential and become agents of positive change in their communities. Our mission is to help youths conquer their fears, realize their

By |2024-04-25T03:13:38+03:00April 7th, 2023|Latest Article|

How GESGEMO is Promoting Gender Equality in Science

Gender equality has been a long-standing issue in many fields, including science. Historically, the scientific community has been dominated by men, with women often facing barriers in pursuing careers in science and technology. However, with the rise of women empowerment initiatives and gender equality movements, there has been a significant shift towards addressing these inequalities.

By |2024-04-25T03:17:57+03:00March 15th, 2023|Latest Article|
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