In today’s world making informed career choices is critical. Career guidance plays a crucial role in helping individuals identify their passions, strengths, and potential, eventually propelling them towards successful careers.

In knowing this, Get Started Get Moving organization has this as one of its core objectives. Recently Ms. Jenipher Tairo represented us in a career day event prepared by the school of St. Jude Arusha. She shared her experience in the field of Agriculture and shared various career options available in that field. She also shared important tips to the students on staying focused, believing in themselves and following their dreams.

GESGEMO representative, other speakers and members of staff at the school of St. Jude

Career guidance plays a big role in helping students succeed in their career goals. By delving into their interests, values, and personality traits, students can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their unique strengths and weaknesses. This self-discovery process empowers them to make informed decisions about their future paths.

“I am interested in engineering, and I was happy to know that agriculture is not only about going to the field and that there are other options that can accommodate my interests!” ~ One of the students

Career guidance also provides comprehensive information about various career options, reducing the risk of making decisions based on assumptions or misinformation. Furthermore, it can identify skill gaps and suggest appropriate training or education to bridge them, ensuring that students possess the necessary qualifications to excel in their chosen fields.

Some of the students following closely on what was being said

In today’s dynamic job market, career transitions are becoming increasingly common. Career guidance can assist students in navigating these transitions by providing support and guidance throughout the process. Ultimately, by choosing careers that align with their passions and interests, students are more likely to experience job satisfaction and fulfillment.

“Thank you for coming, we feel honored to have you talking to our students” ~ Mr. Elibariki (HoD Careers, Clubs and Mentoring at St.Jude)

The theme for the day; “The expert was once a beginner!” reflected the students current status and encouraged them that it is possible to realize their dreams! We commend the school of St. Jude for the great work that they do to prepare their students for the real world experience! Keep it up!

Ms. Tairo addressing the mass

Get Started Get Moving organization welcomes schools, institutions and universities that would like to partner with us to help the younger generation rise. You can reach us through or +255 712 751 130 / +255 620 264 821