The rate of children starting primary education and managing to go to secondary education and universities is meager. We did a preliminary study at Ruvuma village in the Morogoro region – Tanzania and found that the motivation for education is low and the children lack role models to look up to. Seeing this GESGEMO visited the region and had a talk with the parents and children especially those of school age.  The program focused on two areas, the importance of education and the power of setting and pursuing goals.

The outreach aimed to empower these children and fuel a passion for learning, setting goals, and achieving them.

Planting the Seeds of Education

The outreach program emphasized the transformative power of education. Through interactive sessions and engaging discussions, the youths explored  vast opportunities that education unlocks. They learned how education can equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to shape their futures and contribute meaningfully to their communities. We also had an opportunity to talk with the parents and emphasized on the importance of them making follow up on their children’s education.

Goal Setting: Charting a Course for Success

The program delved into the importance of setting goals. The youths participated in workshops that helped them identify their passions and aspirations. They learned how to break down their goals into achievable steps, fostering a sense of agency and control over their destinies.

Building a Brighter Future

This outreach program offered a glimpse into a brighter future. By emphasizing the importance of education and goal setting, the program instilled a sense of confidence and determination in these young minds.

Way forward

In this outreach we had a chance to hear the challenges that they go through and what hinders completion of studies by these children. The reasons explained included poverty which causes most of the parents to fail to provide the necessities for these children to study including books, cloths and the likes. Another reason was lack of motivation because most of the people have not excelled in education and this makes the children to see that as a normal and not taking school seriously. We managed to talk  to them, inspired and motivated them to dream more and become better. It is our hope that we can do more of these outreaches in the future and impact more children as well as supporting them materially.

We believe that, the impact of these initiatives is undeniable. By empowering youths with the knowledge and tools for success, we pave the way for a more just and equitable future.