Imagine a platform where young minds meet, a vibrant exchange where ideas flow freely and opportunities abound! This was the essence of the “Nje ya Box Youths Talk” event organized by Ufaulu project. The event attracted more than 1500 youths from Morogoro Universities with the theme “Opening Doors for a Sustainable Future while Keeping Youths at the Center!”

Participants during the event

The topics discussed include; Financial Literacy, ⁠Employability, Creativity, and Leadership Skills, ⁠Personal Development, ⁠Internships, studies, and work opportunities Abroad.

The Guest of Honor was Hon. Salim Alaudin (MP, Ulanga Constituency) and the guest speaker was Hon. Jabir Makame (DC Gairo). There was a panel discussion where Our CEO, Ms. Jenipher Tairo was present together with other esteemed panelists Mr. Salim Kikeke (Former BBC Presenter), Mr. Joramu Nkumbi (Author and Leadership Expert) and Mr. Simon Chami (Founder Ufaulu Project). The event had other speakers who covered the intended topic, these were from UTT Amis, Immigration Offices Morogoro, UCDP Tanzania, and Radar Recruitment.

Guest of Honor, guest Speaker and the Panelists

Get Started Get Moving Organization (GESGEMO) is proud to have partnered with Ufaulu Project in making this impactful event a success. By combining resources and expertise, we were able to reach a wider audience and contribute significantly to youth empowerment.

Ms. Jenipher During Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion