Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive problem with far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, and communities within different areas in Tanzania, particularly impacting women and children. This deeply concerning issue is witnessed in various forms, including physical, psychological, economic, and sexual violence.

GBV contributing factors include Patriarchal societal norms where men often hold significant power within families, creating an environment where GBV flourishes. Another one is cultural norms and customs: some of the existing traditions can perpetuate and normalize harmful practices against women and children.

Recognizing the urgency to address this issue, Get Started Get Moving Organization (GESGEMO) joined forces with the Lutheran Church Morogoro Diocese through their “Girls with a Purpose” project.

Msowero villagers during the seminar

The initiative aimed to raise awareness about GBV in Msowero village, reaching over 116 individuals. Through community engagement, the villagers agreed that GBV prevails including domestic violence and sexual assault. The villagers were taught the consequences of GBV including the spread of diseases, deaths of the victims, and increasing poverty in the community. They were also provided with information on available support systems and reporting mechanisms, including a free hotline and the church’s shelter for victims.

Using Drama to Explain the GBV in the Families

The villagers explained that sometimes they do not report the incidents to police stations due to Fear of repercussions: where the victims fear retaliation from perpetrators, especially those with greater power within the community. But also, most of them Lack awareness of available support resources and reporting channels.

To ensure that everyone feels safe in the community, the villagers were urged to speak up against GBV, show support to the survivors and victims of GBV as well as collaborate to change/ end the norms that encourage GBV.

Ms. Jenipher from GESGEMO urging the villagers to speak up against GBV

This initiative serves as a crucial step towards creating a future free from gender-based violence in rural Tanzania. Many villages have not yet been reached and GBV is prevailing in those places, GESGEMO will continue to work toward a more just and equitable society through promoting awareness, providing support, and fostering collective action against GBV.

Using drama to explain GBV in the family level