Students in their final year of University are often overwhelmed and most of them are uncertain of what they will do after graduation. Understanding this, GESGEMO recently held a workshop in partnership with the Rural Development Association (RDVA) to empower the final-year students at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro – Tanzania.  The interactive session equipped participants with valuable tools and insights to complete their final year effectively and lead a successful path beyond graduation.

The workshop concentrated on three key themes crucial for final-year students:

Opportunities at fingertips: During the workshop, the facilitators shared their experiences with the students, highlighting the diverse opportunities available to them both before and after graduation. These opportunities included internships, job placements, research programs, entrepreneurship ventures, and further education options. The session emphasized exploring career fairs, utilizing university resources like academic advisers, and actively building networks to access these opportunities.

Campus Life: Having a Balance: Recognizing the demands of final-year studies, the workshop addressed the importance of maintaining a well-rounded campus life. Discussions explored strategies for effective time management, prioritizing academic commitments while engaging in extracurricular activities, and maintaining physical and mental well-being. The participants were urged to develop soft skills as they are a plus to their academic qualifications.  Participants learned valuable techniques to avoid frustrations and ensure a fulfilling final-year experience.

Goals & Dreams: Charting Your Course: The workshop guided students through the process of setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Interactive exercises helped participants identify their aspirations, break them down into actionable steps, and develop a personalized roadmap for achieving their dreams. The participants were also urged to never stop learning and make sure that they become better in their fields.

The knowledge gained in this workshop is invaluable and it is exactly what I needed apart from classroom lectures, I see this as a golden chance because I have learned a lot

– One of the participants

The workshop provided final-year students with a comprehensive toolkit for navigating their final academic year with purpose and achieving success beyond graduation. By equipping them with knowledge, strategies, and a network of support, the workshop empowered them to confidently take the next steps in their journeys.