Get Started Get Moving Organization (GESGEMO), an organization dedicated to youth empowerment, recently conducted an impactful outreach program at Charlotte Secondary School, reaching 521 students eager to learn and grow. The engaging sessions focused on crucial areas for young minds: personal awareness, academic excellence, and future preparation.

The program delved into personal awareness using the powerful SWOT tool (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). This exercise equipped students with the ability to identify their unique talents, acknowledge areas for improvement, recognize potential opportunities, and anticipate challenges they might face. This self-awareness is a cornerstone for personal growth and future success.

To guide students toward academic excellence, GESGEM offered valuable strategies and techniques. From effective study habits and time management skills to goal setting and overcoming procrastination, the sessions provided practical tools to navigate the academic landscape with confidence.

Preparing for the future was another key theme. The program offered insights into career exploration, higher education options, and the ever-evolving job market. By understanding their options and exploring different paths, students gained valuable perspectives to make informed decisions about their future endeavors.

The interactive sessions were filled with lively discussions, thought-provoking exercises, and insightful guidance from GESGEM’s experienced facilitators. The positive energy and enthusiasm were palpable, creating a space where students felt empowered to ask questions, share their aspirations, and learn from each other.

Students taking notes during the session

The impact of GESGEM’s outreach program was evident in the feedback received from students and teachers alike.

“The SWOT analysis activity helped me understand myself better and identify areas where I can improve,” shared a student. “I now feel more motivated to set goals and work towards achieving them.”

“The program provided valuable guidance on approaching my studies more effectively,” said another student. “I feel more confident and prepared to face academic challenges.”

“GESGEM’s program was not just informative, it was inspiring,” commented a teacher. “The students were engaged and enthusiastic, and they gained valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit them greatly.”

GESGEM’s outreach program at Charlotte Secondary School is a testament to the organization’s commitment to empowering young minds. By equipping students with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive, GESGEM is investing in a brighter future for individuals and communities alike.

Some of the photos during the event